For the image of the Holy Trinity to be accepted as science, it must be an integral part of science. In other words, it cannot be separated from physics and chemistry, it must be seamlessly connected to them. But how is this possible, given the eternal origin of the image? Put simply, how can the image not be classed as a miracle instead of science? The answer to this question is what elevates the image of the Holy Trinity to something science has never had: a theory of life.
Why is life even necessary, aren't organisms just physics and chemistry? That's precisely the reason: physics and chemistry alone cannot even make a single cellular protein, let alone a cell or an organism. A vast chasm separates biology from physics. If this chasm did not exist, cells and organisms would be nothing more than phase transitions, like liquid water turning into ice or steam. However, this is not the case, cells are qualitatively different from non-living objects.
Atoms, molecules and the image of the Holy Trinity
For biology to become reality, the chasm separating biology from physics must be bridged. Life is this bridge. Life does what physics and chemistry cannot do: it makes the proteins which compose cells which, in turn, compose organisms.
Life is not physics (or chemistry), nor is it biology since it is something which spans physics and biology. But what else is there besides physics, chemistry and biology? The answer is extra physics.
Take any object, ignore all conventional physics, and whatever physics is left, is life. If no physics is left, there is no life. When we do this to a cell what remains is protein production: genetic information, communication processes and the genetic code. This extra physics is life itself.
The idea that life is extra physics is a stroke of genius. We can say this with complete humility because it was not our idea. In 1943 one of the greatest physicists of all time, not Einstein this time, but Erwin Schrödinger, gave a series of lectures entitled, What is Life? Schrödinger made what could well turn out to be the most significant prediction in the history of science: life is "other physics". As a physicist with first-hand experience of new physics, namely, quantum mechanics, this was quite a prediction. Schrödinger didn't know what the other physics was, but the answer was literally written on the walls around him: Schrödinger gave his three famous lectures at Trinity College, Dublin.
Since life is extra physics, the question of the origin of life becomes a question of the origin of extra physics. Generally speaking, physics cannot produce physics, which means there is only one possible explanation for the origin of the extra physics responsible for life: it must have come from outside the universe.
The extra physics directly corresponds to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Life is the image of the Holy Trinity - it even has the same name as the Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the central dogma of Christianity, while the extra physics is the Central Dogma of molecular biology. You couldn't make this up.
Image implies origin - your reflection looks exactly like you precisely because you are the source of your own reflection. Likewise, the origin of the image inside living cells, is the one whom the image resembles: the Holy Trinity. It is not an optical illusion, or a mirage, it couldn't be any more real since it is imprinted within the matter of the cell.
The origin of life was the result of divine intervention - the image of the Holy Trinity was imprinted upon organic matter by the Trinity. The origin of life was NOT a miracle in the conventional sense because it did not involve any violation, or suspension of the laws of physics as is typically the case with miracles. This is because life is extra physics - the Holy Trinity didn't touch the ordinary laws of physics at the origin of life, but rather added to them. The origin of life was a miracle, and it wasn't a miracle - it was quasi-miraculous.
Why did the Holy Trinity choose its own self to be the template for life? It is because the Holy Trinity is life itself: the Holy Trinity is the living God. No other structure is life. It is as simple as that. All life which exists must therefore be derived from the structure of the Trinity. That is to say, the image of the Holy Trinity.
There is only one Holy Trinity, therefore, there is only one life. All life in the universe is the image of the Holy Trinity, this includes the life forms at the origin of life. Life was not simple in the beginning as is unquestionably presumed by science today, it was no different to the life which exists within cells today, precisely because life does not change. Life doesn't change because it is the image of something immutable: the Holy Trinity.
The idea that evolution has nothing to do with life will no doubt seem unthinkable, if not preposterous, to many people today, not to mention biologists. Yet it is true. Life is not evolution, it is the image of the Holy Trinity; life is not the result of evolution, it originated from the Holy Trinity; life does not evolve because the image of the Holy Trinity is immutable just like the Holy Trinity. In fact, evolution could not be more opposed to life.
The origin of life is widely believed to have been a long, drawn-out process spanning millions of years. This view could not be further from reality. The Holy Trinity did not need time to construct its own image in matter. The image of the Holy Trinity was not gradually built-up over time, it was imprinted instantaneously. The origin of life happened in the blink of an eye, it truly was the Big Bang of biology.
It is widely accepted today within science that organisms are complex machines, an idea that goes back centuries, but it is false. Machines are objects with functions, and organisms are also objects with functions. However, there is a fundamental difference: machines have to be made, whereas organisms make themselves. Machines are autonomous in their action, but not their construction. Organisms are autonomous in both activity and construction. Organisms have a higher level of autonomy than machines. Not only do organisms make (generate) themselves, they produce their own parts - proteins. The source of this self-generation is the protein generator: life itself.
Life is communication and genetic information is digital, however, life is not (organic) information technology. The difference comes down to the relationship between information and matter. In the digital realm, information and matter are separate, and communication is merely the transfer of information between different points in space. In life, matter and information are fused together: genetic information forms the molecular structure of DNA. As a result, in life, communication is not merely transfer but a production.
Machines and living things are separate categories - a machine cannot be alive, and living things are not machines. Nothing can change this, there is no threshold of sophistication or functionality beyond which machines start to become alive. The concept of a living machine is self-contradictory. If, hypothetically speaking, a mechanical object somehow acquired life, it would no longer be a machine, it would be a living being. Conversely, a living being where life has disappeared, but still manages to function mechanically, is a machine. No matter how advanced machines become, they will always be machines, that is, functional and non-living objects. This is why Artificial Intelligence is not alive, nor will it ever be, no matter how advanced it becomes. Because AI runs on computers, which are machines.
Biology also contains non-cellular biological entities, the most famous of which is the virus. Viruses consist of genetic material, DNA or RNA, encapsulated by protein and are prolific mutators. The scientific community cannot decide whether viruses are alive or not. With TRINITY in BIOLOGY, it is simple: viruses do not contain the image of the Holy Trinity. As a result, viruses cannot produce themselves. Viruses are parasites - they infect living cells with their genetic material and cause the life processes within a cell to reproduce the virus en masse. Some argue that viruses are an example of quasi-life, that is, a juxtaposition of life and non-life. However, this view is flawed since life is black and white: an object either has life, or it doesn't, there is no in-between. Viruses are not living, nor living machines, nor quasi-life, they are machines. This means the first mass-produced machines were produced, not by human beings, but by the image of the Holy Trinity.
What exactly is alive? Numerous objects have been proposed so far in the academic literature, some more surprising than others. The Earth (Gaia hypothesis), anything with complexity including mere crystals, computer programs, water spouts or any vortex because they are self-sustaining structures, the list goes on. As diverse as the list of proposed living beings is, they all have one thing in common: they can be described by the ordinary laws of physics. This immediately rules them out as alive, because the essence of a living being is that physics is not enough to produce them, they need something more than physics, and that something is life. Hence why they are living. There is only one object which falls into this category: the cell. There is, of course, another criterion we can use to identify a living being and that is the image of the Holy Trinity. Again, the cell is the only which satisfies this criterion. Note that organisms are alive because they are composed of cells which contain life, not because of any particular properties of organisms.
Life is not a consequence of biology, it is the other way round: biology is the consequence of life. Biology is the result of the image of the Holy Trinity entering space-time and matter. Life precedes biology. This order between life and biology can be demonstrated experimentally. Biology cannot exist without life, however, it is possible to switch biology off, leaving only life. This strange phenomenon is commonly called suspended animation. Microscopic organisms can be cooled to almost Absolute Zero using liquid nitrogen. At such low temperatures, all chemical reactions and biological functions have long ceased, all that is happening are quantum fluctuations. There is far more happening in a corpse, yet suspended organisms are not dead because the entire process can be reversed by carefully thawing the organisms. The fact that they can come back to life means they were never dead in the first place. Suspended animation is life without biology, the image of the Holy Trinity without biology. This is another way in which life reflects the Holy Trinity, since there is no eternal biology as such, the Holy Trinity is pure Life, or life without biology.
Where are all the aliens? This is one of the great paradoxes of the universe, but the answer is rather straightforward: aliens shouldn't even exist in the first place, because no life should exist in the universe, The laws of physics and chemistry cannot produce life. The real paradox is not aliens, but the existence of life here on Earth: how can life exist on Earth even though live cannot be produced by natural processes? The reason you and I exist is all because physics and chemistry had a helping hand from the Holy Trinity. The image of the Holy Trinity is nowhere to be seen in the cosmos, but the entire cosmos confirms life to be the image of the Holy Trinity.
You and I, along with every other living being on Earth, are the real aliens in this universe, because, according to the laws of physics and chemistry, we shouldn't exist. Life on Earth did not come from another planet in the solar system. Nor did it come from another star-system within our galaxy. Nor even another galaxy. Life on Earth came from the furthest possible location: outside the universe altogether, indeed, outside all space and time: eternity.
Do living beings exist elsewhere in the universe? This is not a scientific question, but a theological question. Since the origin of life is not a natural process but requires the intervention of the Holy Trinity. The existence of any life in the universe is therefore entirely down to the will of the Holy Trinity. It has nothing to do with statistics, exoplanets, water, organic compounds, favourable conditions or other such natural criteria. Does the Holy Trinity want life elsewhere in the universe? According to Christianity, God became man here on Earth. This is a once in a universe event - unprecedented and unrepeatable. This strongly suggests we are the only intelligent beings in the universe, and Earth is an oasis of life. A pessimist might say we are alone in this universe, an optimist would say we are the centre of attention.
Biology based on the Trinity not blind chance
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