There exists a monumental void at the core of biology today. Here are some examples of this void.
A ❌ represents either no explanation or, more likely, not even any possibility of an explanation.
What is life?
The Origin of life
Origin of the
Genetic Code
Origin of cells
Origin of Genetic
Origin of DNA
Origin of Transcription
Origin of Translation
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Why Three Domains of Life?
What was the
Last Universal Common Ancestor?
Fermi Paradox
(Where are all the aliens?)
Biology is both one and three. It is one because there is only one life. And it is also three since it is divided into three domains of life: all species on Earth belong to either Archaea, Bacteria or Eukarya.
Why not four or ten or two, or any other number for that matter? The reason behind the three domains is one of the big unanswered questions in biology today.
This is a question about the diversity of biology, but evolution has no answer. As a result, many biologists today believe that the number of domains is purely arbitrary.
Is it a coincidence that the number of domains is exactly the same as the number of Persons in the Holy Trinity. Or, is this a real connection? In the past it would have been considered naive to think such a thing.
But that was the past.
Carl Woese was the biochemist who famously discovered the third domain of life - Archaea - and shook the foundations of biology by proposing the three domains of life.
Woese did not believe the number of domains was arbitrary at all. Instead, Woese made a tantalising claim: the three domains of life somehow "reflect" the nature of the Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA - the being which is believed to have given rise to the three domains of life. Which begs the obvious question, what was LUCA?
Short answer: biology has no idea.
The identity of LUCA is shrouded in mystery since there is no evidence of LUCA's existence anywhere - LUCA has vanished from the face of the Earth without leaving a single trace of itself.
Some biologists think LUCA was a primitive organism, others think it was a gene pool where genes were swapped and combined in new and imaginative ways.
Either way, none of these hypotheses explains the three domains of life.
Our hypothesis is LUCA was not a primitive creature, a primordial genetic soup, or indeed any other physical object or system for that matter. The Holy Trinity was LUCA. That's why there's no physical trace of LUCA. Because of course the Holy Trinity is not physical.
Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as LUCA, there is only the origin of life. The Holy Trinity did not create life, then the three domains later on. The Holy Trinity created the three domains at the origin of life. LUCA is a redundant biological concept.
This is not exactly a wild hypothesis, given that we already know every cell contains the image of the Holy Trinity.
However, it does require clarification and, of course, proof.
Christian theology makes a distinction between images and traces of the Trinity in the natural world. A trace is a weaker resemblance to the Trinity than an image. Because it is weaker, a trace of the Trinity does not lead to life.
This explains how the three domains of life can be a real reflection of the Trinity without being life. If the three domains of life were another image of the Holy Trinity then there would be another life in biology - comprising of all organisms not cells, a super-organism, spanning the entire planet. There is no evidence this is the case. This is because the three domains of life are a trace of the Holy Trinity, not an image. The purpose of the trace is not to give (another) life but rather to diversify life.
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There may exist another image of the Holy Trinity in biology.
Instead of located within cells, this other reflection of the Trinity appears to be spread across the living world. That is, the diversity of life may be a reflection of the Trinity. TRINITY in BIOLOGY may not just be a theory of life, it could be a Grand Unified Theory of biology.
This is consistent with the image of the Holy Trinity in living cells.
This leads us nicely onto our hypothesis about the identity of LUCA.
We suspect the reason why there is no physical evidence of LUCA in the natural world is because LUCA was not physical in the first place - the Holy Trinity is LUCA. Our hypothesis is that the three domains are a reflection of the Holy Trinity.
The three domains are a are not another image of the Trinity, if they were then the entire living world would form a single super-organism they are what Christian theology calls a trace of the Trinity, which reflects the Trinity in a weaker way than an image. A trace of the Trinity is not life precisely because of its weakness- not a super-organism. The purpose of the trace is to produce life but rather to diversify life.
Life is not different in each of the three domains of life since there is only one life. And there is only one life because there is only one image of the Holy Trinity. The image of the Holy Trinity is implemented by complex molecular machinery. This machinery can differ, without changing the image of the Holy Trinity. Indeed, this is what differentiates the three domains of life - the same one life, but there are three different sets of machinery corresponding to each of the three domains of life.
It is interesting that what differentiates the three domains of life is not something separate from life, but is directly connected to life itself. In other words, the three domains of life are effectively three molecular variations of the image of the Holy Trinity. We suspect this is not mere coincidence.
According to Christian theology, a trace of the Holy Trinity is a weaker reflection of the Trinity than an image. are not the only reflections of the Holy Trinity which can occur in the natural Christian theology
Since life is the image of the Holy Trinity, and the number three is, of course, central to the Holy Trinity, the three domains of life look suspiciously like another reflection of the Holy Trinity.
But the living world cannot be another image of the Holy Trinity as this However, unless we are willing to admit that the entire living world forms a single ultra-organism which spans the entire globe, then
Now that the discovery of the image of the Holy Trinity in living cells sheds a whole new light on life, we think this light The current view within biology is that LUCA appeared sometime We do not think the origin of
We suspect LUCA was not a creature, or indeed any other physical system whatsoever, but rather the Holy Trinity. - which explains why there is physical evidence of LUCA itself. The only evidence that LUCA existed is all life on LUCA We do not think LUCA appeared some time after the origin of life as is generally assumed by biologists today. This is because we think LUCA was the origin of life itself. We suspect LUCA is the Holy Trinity, which explains why there is no physical why LUCA left no trace. Hence the three domains of life.
The three domains of life cannot be distinguished by the image of the Holy Trinity since there is only one image of the Holy Trinity, what's more the image does not change.
However, the image does not function by itself, it is implemented within cells by complex molecular machinery. This molecular machinery does not need to be the same. That is to say, different molecular machinery can be used to implement the image of the Holy Trinity within cells.
Indeed, this molecular machinery does differ - between the three domains of life. This is what differentiates the Archaea, Bacteria and the Eukarya.
In other words, what differentiates the three domains of life from one another is not the image of the Holy Trinity, but something which is attached to the image, namely, the molecular machinery.
The question: is this another reflection of the Holy Trinity?
We know that cells contain the image of the Holy Trinity, which is life. An image is not the only reflection of the Holy Trinity which can exist in the natural world. Christian theology makes the distinction between images and traces of the Trinity. A trace is a weaker though still discernible reflection of the Trinity than an image. However, because it is weaker, it is not enough to convey life. Instead a trace conveys the diversity of the Holy Trinity. Our hypothesis is that the Holy Trinity is not only the origin of life but also the source of the diversity of life. That is, the three domains of life are a trace of the Holy Trinity.
The differences between the three domains of life penetrate to the molecular level, specifically, the molecular machines used for the transcription and translation of genetic information. In other words, there are differences in the machines which implement the image of the Holy Trinity within cells. Our hypothesis is that this molecular machinery - that which implements the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - bears the trace of the Trinity.
This means the trace of the Trinity is not physically separated from the image, rather the trace is attached to the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - the trace is not an isolated reflection of the Trinity, but the trace of the image of the Holy Trinity. The image is life, whereas the trace diversifies life. Note there is an order between the trace and the image - there can be no trace without the image of the Holy Trinity. This means there can be no diversity of life, without life itself.
Life = Image of the Holy Trinity.
Biology - Trace of the Holy Trinity.
Diversity of life (three domains of life) = Trace of the Trinity
Biology = Life + Diversity of life = Trace x Image of the Trinity
The evolution of biology
That evolution cannot explain the diversity of biology is not mere opinion - whether ours or anybody else's. It is an empirically derived fact of biology. The reason most people don't know this is because the biological community tend not to draw attention to it, for obvious reasons. But the fact is, the living world is composed of three basic groups or domains of life - Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya.
We suspect that LUCA - the mysterious entity which disappeared without leaving a trace, after having giving rise to the three domains of life which make up all life on Earth today - was not a creature, or a genetic system, or indeed any other natural object, but was in fact the Holy Trinity. We think LUCA, that is, the Holy Trinity, did leave
, who has disappeared without leaving any trace - is However, we believe LUCA did leave did leave a trace of itself - it's in the three domains of life; we suspect LUCA is the Holy Trinity. We couldn't agree more.
There are exactly three domains of life because the Holy Trinity is the origin of the three domains. domains reflect the Trinity
No difference between LUCA and the origin of life, they're the same.
Christian theology makes a distinction between images and traces of the Holy Trinity in the natural world. As their names suggest, a trace is a weaker reflection of the Trinity than an image. Cells contain the strongest reflection of the Holy Trinity - an image which is life itself. However, we suspect that the three domains of life are a trace of the Holy Trinity. This does not mean the entire living world is alive like some sort of super-organism, since the trace is not strong enough to be life. Instead, the purpose of the trace is to diversify the living world.
The differences between the three domains of life penetrate to the molecular level, specifically, the molecular machines used for the transcription and translation of genetic information. In other words, there are differences in the machines which implement the image of the Holy Trinity within cells. Our hypothesis is that this molecular machinery - that which implements the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - bears the trace of the Trinity.
This means the trace of the Trinity is not physically separated from the image, rather the trace is attached to the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - the trace is not an isolated reflection of the Trinity, but the trace of the image of the Holy Trinity. The image is life, whereas the trace diversifies life. Note there is an order between the trace and the image - there can be no trace without the image of the Holy Trinity. This means there can be no diversity of life, without life itself.
The theory of evolution cannot do this.
What if we told you that the image of the Holy Trinity can predict the There is only one image of the Holy Trinity, because there is only one Holy Trinity. But life on Earth is made up of millions of different species.
the living world is enormously diverse, there are millions of different species. It seems that the diversity of life t therefore, one life, it would appear that
- but as we all know, the living world is enormously diverse.
TRINITY in BIOLOGY is the answer to life. It is also a powerful theory of life which appears to be able to answer any question about life. If you have any doubts about this simply send us your question. There is, however, one question which TRINITY in BIOLOGY cannot yet answer: the diversity of life. Now, you may be thinking this is not a problem, since evolution explains the diversity of life. Except it doesn't. Here's why.
The differences between the three domains of life penetrate to the molecular level, specifically, the molecular machines used for the transcription and translation of genetic information. In other words, there are differences in the machines which implement the image of the Holy Trinity within cells. Our hypothesis is that this molecular machinery - that which implements the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - bears the trace of the Trinity.
This means the trace of the Trinity is not physically separated from the image, rather the trace is attached to the image of the Holy Trinity within cells - the trace is not an isolated reflection of the Trinity, but the trace of the image of the Holy Trinity. The image is life, whereas the trace diversifies life. Note there is an order between the trace and the image - there can be no trace without the image of the Holy Trinity. This means there can be no diversity of life, without life itself.
If we manage to discover a real connection between the three domains of life, and the Holy Trinity, then LUCA is the Holy Trinity.
The Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA for short, is the name biology gives to the extinct creature or genetic system which gave rise to the three domains of life. LUCA left no trace whatsoever and is therefore shrouded in mystery. This, in itself, does not prove LUCA was the Holy Trinity, but it is certainly consistent. Having said that, Carl Woese - the molecular biologist who discovered the third domain - once wrote that LUCA must somehow reflect the three domains of life. We couldn't agree more.
What do you call a single concept which explains all of biology?
No, it's not the theory of evolution, it's the image of the Holy Trinity.
TRINITY in BIOLOGY is more than the answer to life, it is even more than a theory of life, it is a theory of biology. More specifically, it is a unified theory of biology, because everything in biology is explained by, and flows from, a single concept: the image of the Holy Trinity. Theodosius
What is life? What was the origin of life? How did the genetic code come into existence? What was the creature or system which gave rise to all life on Earth today, otherwise known as the Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA for short?
These are just some of the questions which remain unresolved in biology today. They are big unanswered questions, some of the biggest in all of science. Yet, despite biology’s enormous knowledge of the living world, biology is no closer to knowing their answers today, than in the past.
To know the answer to any one of these big questions would be a major step forward for biology. To know them all would be an unbelievable dream come true for biology. But what are the chances of that?
Anyone who claims to know the answer, not just to life, but also the origin of life, as well as all of their other puzzles which lie at the foundations of biology, is surely deluded, not to mention plain wrong.
But the interesting thing is that all these questions are connected to each other: life-origin of life, origin of life-origin of the genetic code, origin of life-LUCA.
If the big unanswered questions in biology are connected to each other, there must be is something which connects them all: a grand unifying principle of biology.
Admittedly, this grand unifying principle of biology is no doubt something extraordinary and therefore very difficult to discover. Nevertheless, we think we have found it.
The image of the HolyTrinity in the cell is sufficiently extraordinary. Crucially, the answers to the big questions of biology naturally flow from it.
TRINITY in BIOLOGY is a grand unified theory of biology.
Biology is missing something BIG: the answer to life. Life is the central property of organisms and therefore biology. Since without life, organisms simply wouldn’t exist.
Yet, despite how foundational life is to biology, there isn’t even an entry for life in the Oxford Dictionary of Biology. This is not for lack of trying mind you. Innumerable attempts to define life litter the scientific journals and books.
How can biology fail to see life when it has an encyclopaedic knowledge of cells and organisms? This is the real paradox of life. That’s not all. If life is something radically unique in the universe, surely it is obvious? This only reinforces the enigma: how can the entire scientific community not see the obvious?
The answer is, life IS obvious. Life is staring biology right in the face. It has been for decades - there is nothing physically new to discover about life. However, neither biology (nor the rest of the scientific community) is able to recognise life because life is outside the conceptual framework of science (at the moment).
And so life continues to work incessantly in every cell of every organism, faithfully sustaining the entire living world, whilst remaining invisible to the might of modern science.
The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that philosophy is harder than science because, “the task (of philosophy) is not to discover something new, as to think what has never been thought about what everybody sees everyday”. Schopenhauer’s argument now also applies to science.
Biologists know DNA, RNA and protein like the back of their hands - they have been known for decades and their mechanisms are detailed in every textbook on biology, biochemistry and cell biology.
But who would have thought that these three famous molecules which are the staple diet of molecular biology, have the same structure as the God of Christianity?
Science has no idea how life began, the origin of life is believed to be even more difficult than the answer to life (if that wasn’t hard enough).
One of the main reasons offered for why the origin of life is such a hard problem is because it took place such a long time ago, about 4 billion years ago according to recent estimates. We have little idea what conditions were like on Earth at such a remote past, hence why the origin of life is hard. So the argument goes.
This is not a reason, it’s an excuse. Even if we don’t know the conditions of Earth 4 billion years ago, then try them all! We have the technology today to control every conceivable experimental parameter with minute precision.
In fact, given the vast amount of scientific literature on the origin of life, there is a very good chance that every conceivable condition has been cooked-up in the laboratory. Yet no experiment has given so much as a single twitch of life.
Again, all this work on the origin of life demonstrates one thing: current science is missing something BIG.
Science has no idea about life, but it is agreed about one thing: the first forms of life must have been simple entities. While the rationale behind this thinking makes perfect sense, it is actually flawed.
There is only one life, because life does not change. Life is as immutable as F=ma or E=mc2 (squared). This means life was never simple. The life in the very first life form was as complex as the life which resides inside all cells today. There’s absolutely no difference whatsoever.
Life is the most sophisticated physical phenomenon in the universe. Which of course begs the question, how could the most sophisticated phenomenon in the universe suddenly spring into existence?
It is because life did not emerge from within the universe. It was inserted into it.
There is a mistaken idea about the natural world which is ingrained within science and therefore society today.
The idea is that science is physics and chemistry, and anything outside of physics and chemistry is not science, it is mysticism or pseudoscience. Where does this leave biology? Biology is no more a mystical science than it is pseudoscience of course.
There is only one option according to biology and the rest of the scientific community: biology is the result of the laws of physics and chemistry. However, this conclusion is utterly false, and it doesn’t take much to realise it either.
The genetic code is so well known today it is a household name. But the genetic code is not physics or chemistry. Nor is it mysticism or pseudoscience. The genetic code is a language which cells use to convert information (DNA) into matter (proteins).
Living cells are governed by the genetic code not instead of, but rather in addition to, physics and chemistry. Since the genetic code is something other than physics, it could not possiby have originated from physics, that is to say, through natural processes.
Seventy years of experimentation, theorising and computer modelling convincingly confirm this - the origin of the genetic code has never been found.
This is because there is none to find in the first place. At least, not in the natural world where science has been looking.
The genetic code is the core of DNA, RNA and protein. Therefore, to know the origin of DNA, RNA and protein, is to know the origin of the genetic code. The origin of DNA, RNA and protein is the Holy Trinity since they have the image of the Trinity. This means the Holy Trinity was the origin of the genetic code.
Biology is missing something BIG: the answer to life. Life is the central property of organisms and therefore biology. Since without life, organisms simply wouldn’t exist.
Yet, despite how foundational life is to biology, there isn’t even an entry for life in the Oxford Dictionary of Biology. This is not for lack of trying mind you. Innumerable attempts to define life litter the scientific journals and books.
How can biology fail to see life when it has an encyclopaedic knowledge of cells and organisms? This is the real paradox of life. That’s not all. If life is something radically unique in the universe, surely it is obvious? This only reinforces the enigma: how can the entire scientific community not see the obvious?
The answer is, life IS obvious. Life is staring biology right in the face. It has been for decades - there is nothing physically new to discover about life. However, neither biology (nor the rest of the scientific community) is able to recognise life because life is outside the conceptual framework of science (at the moment).
And so life continues to work incessantly in every cell of every organism, faithfully sustaining the entire living world, whilst remaining invisible to the might of modern science.
The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once explained why philosophy is harder than science. Schopenhauer said it is because, “the task (of philosophy) is not to discover something new, as to think what has never been thought about what everybody sees everyday”.
Schopenhauer’s argument is now also applicable to science. Biologists know DNA, RNA and protein like the back of their hand. But it never crossed their minds that these three formidable molecules which exist at the core of all cells, have the same structure as the Holy Trinity.
Biology is missing something BIG: the answer to life. Life is the central property of organisms and therefore biology. Since without life, organisms simply wouldn’t exist.
Yet, despite how foundational life is to biology, there isn’t even an entry for life in the Oxford Dictionary of Biology. This is not for lack of trying mind you. Innumerable attempts to define life litter the scientific journals and books.
How can biology fail to see life when it has an encyclopaedic knowledge of cells and organisms? This is the real paradox of life. That’s not all. If life is something radically unique in the universe, surely it is obvious? This only reinforces the enigma: how can the entire scientific community not see the obvious?
The answer is, life IS obvious. Life is staring biology right in the face. It has been for decades - there is nothing physically new to discover about life. However, neither biology (nor the rest of the scientific community) is able to recognise life because life is outside the conceptual framework of science (at the moment).
And so life continues to work incessantly in every cell of every organism, faithfully sustaining the entire living world, whilst remaining invisible to the might of modern science.
The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once explained why philosophy is harder than science. Schopenhauer said it is because, “the task (of philosophy) is not to discover something new, as to think what has never been thought about what everybody sees everyday”.
Schopenhauer’s argument is now also applicable to science. Biologists know DNA, RNA and protein like the back of their hand. But it never crossed their minds that these three formidable molecules which exist at the core of all cells, have the same structure as the Holy Trinity.
Life is the fundamental property of all organisms. There have been innumerable attempts to define life but the Oxford Dictionary of Biology doesn’t even contain an entry for life! Biology has an encyclopaedic knowledge of cells and organisms, so why doesn’t biology know the answer to life? What is it about life that the entire scientific community cannot see?
Science has no idea how life began, but it is clear about one thing: the first life forms must have been very simple entities. If this is case, why can’t science reproduce such simple objects in the laboratory today? Why does science not even know what these primitive beings were?
The genetic code is absolutely crucial for the construction of cells. It is also utterly unique, it is not physics, nor is it chemistry, but a totally arbitrary connection between molecules. If it is not physics or chemistry, it could not have arisen through natural processes. How then, did such a novel phenomenon as the genetic code come into existence?
The whole purpose of the theory of evolution is to explain the diversity of biology. Yet, evolution cannot explain the most fundamental biological diversity - the three domains of life which all life on Earth is divided into. Why do domains exist, and why three, is this number arbitrary, or is there a reason? Could other domains exist? Biology has no answers.
The Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA is an hypothetical creature or biological system which biology believes gave rise to the three domains of life and thereby all life we see on Earth today. So, LUCA existed after the origin of life, but before the three domains. No trace of LUCA exists today, which begs the question, what was LUCA? Biology does not know.
Biology exists here on Earth but not anywhere else in the universe, as far as we know. Why? Given the sheer number of habitable planets in the universe, the universe should be littered with biology. But it isn’t, as SETI and NASA are forced to admit. Where are all the aliens? Perhaps we have been looking at this paradox the wrong way all along. Maybe the lack of aliens is normal, what is abnormal is life on Earth.
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